Dress Code
Dress Code:
Patrons should come to lessons and Aquatic classes with proper swim attire Proper Swim attire includes: Goggles, Swim Caps, towel, appropriately fit full one –piece Swim Suits for Women/Girls, Swim Trunks for men/boys, Shirts (for males and females are acceptable), however, must be worn over proper swim attire, unless deemed otherwise at the facility. Small children who are not potty-trained must wear “little swimmers” and/or other swim diapers. Wet Suits and long (knee length) speedos/shorts are also acceptable attire.
MASKS are REQUIRED when NOT in the SwimSpa/Pool
Prohibited swim attire include but not limited to:
1) Two-piece swim suits, cut out swim suits
2) thongs, and/or
3) brief style speedos
No Hair beads, bows, barrettes or any other items that can clog the pool drain.